Prices and Payments
      Prices are subject to change without prior notice, except that once an order is complete, pricing will not be adjusted. Items in your shopping cart will reflect the most recent price displayed on the item’s product detail page. This price may differ from the price shown for the item when you first placed it in your cart. Placing an item in your cart doesn’t reserve the price shown at that time. It is also possible that an item’s price may decrease between the time you place it in your cart and the time you purchase it. Its acknowledgement of an order means that your order request has been received; it does not mean that your order has been accepted or shipped or that the price or availability of an item has been confirmed.
      We may use a third-party payment processor (the “Payment Processor”) to bill you through a payment account linked to your account on the Services (your “Billing Account”). The processing of payments will be subject to the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of the Payment Processor in addition to these Terms. We are not responsible for error or any act or omission by the Payment Processor. By making a purchase, you agree to pay us, through the Payment Processor, all charges at the prices then in effect, including, without limitation, all shipping and handling charges, in accordance with the applicable payment terms and you authorize us, through the Payment Processor, to charge your chosen payment provider (your “Payment Method”). You represent and warrant that you have the legal right to use any payment method(s) utilized in connection with any transaction. You agree to make payments using that selected Payment Method. We reserve the right to correct any errors or mistakes that the Payment Processor makes even if it has already requested or received payment.
Payment Method 
      The terms of your payment will be based on your Payment Method and may be determined by agreements between you and the financial institution, card issuer or other provider of your chosen Payment Method. If we, through the Payment Processor or otherwise, do not receive payment from you, you agree to pay all amounts due on your Billing Account upon demand. Fees will be charged in the local currency of your shipping address. You are responsible for paying all fees and applicable taxes associated with the Services in a timely manner with a valid payment method. If your payment method fails or your account is past due, we may collect fees owed using other collection mechanisms. If your Payment Method is not authorized or accepted, it reserves the right to cancel your order without notice and with no further liability or obligation to you.  It reserves the right to stop accepting cards from one or more issuers at any time and for any reason.